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Should Everyone Go to College?

Our society as a whole has made a shift towards thinking that college is some form of necessary add on to the required k-12 education. But is it really essential for a successful life? The question all recent graduates, or high school students hear from every direction is “Where are you going to college?” Like it’s some sort of precedent that you would go to college, something simply answered, like “Where do you live?” Planning to graduate this year, it is a question I get asked frequently as well. The difference is, I believe that College is only a necessary investment of time and money if it is needed to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. So, what are the factors that help you decide whether college is a wise choice for you?

Everyone has a differing goal for their own life. Two people may have the same career choice, or want to live in the same place, but there are as many individual complete life plans as there are individuals. Some life goals do not require a college degree. Many well meaning people ask “Don’t you want to further your education?” To which I would like to pose the question, Is college the only way to further your education? As a homeschooler I hold the belief that life is education. Through everything we do we are learning new facts, skills, words, you name it. As with the common saying, “You learn something new every day”.

One of my main concerns with a college education is the debt which students incur. College can cost more than $30,000 a year! Is it really wise for a new, emerging citizen to begin their adult lives with over $100,000 in debt? This is one thing which, the culture fails to mention while they are pushing us toward a college education. The wise generation who came before us holds a tremendous influence in our lives. While it is a great blessing to glean from their wisdom, we cannot always make our life decisions based on what they expect from us. While I do not promote a rebellion against established authority, I do suggest a respectful questioning of their plans and goals for your life.

Another point which goes hand in hand with the monetary cost of a “further education” is the time it will cost you. We each only have a certain amount of days and hours given to us here on earth. If we are Christians the goal of our time should be how to glorify Christ the most with the time we have been given. Is College the best use of our time? That is a question each person needs to ask themselves. If that time can be better spent in ministry, or working to accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves, why should we spend that time in college?

Once again it all comes back to your goals, if a college education aligns with your life plans, it makes sense to go to college. I am not asking for a complete rejection of college. I am asking for a rejection of the idea that everyone must go to college. I suggest that everyone should decide for themselves whether college is the best plan for them.


  1. HOW OLD ARE YOU!! :P :P :P
    i totally agree. when i was that age, if you were a smart student it was expected you go to college.
    but you know what? college is not as safe as we think it is. campus life is unsafe. social rules and events are unsafe for your Christian life. things happen there that can put your spiritual and physical life in danger. it can be confusing and misleading.

    theres also a movement toward taking a "gap year" and working for the Lord between high school and any college.

    aaaaaand not to mention that most kids that age dont know what they even wanna do... it is a waste.

    but all that being said, going to an expensive 4 year school isnt necessary. first of all, you can knock those first 2 years in high school with pseo, and community colleges have a lot to offer with MUCH lower costs. i think one semester they were "paying me" to go to school, so i had money enough for some books too. thats the other thing - its not just the college that costs but the BOOKS ! you get to sell them back at the end of the year, if you can call getting 2$ for your book "selling".... :( why do we need to spend so much on the books and then they dont even use that book again next year anyway? its so hard...

    anyway. this is wise beyond your age dear!


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