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Ministry Ideas for Young Ladies From Home

Before you can drive it's hard to find ministry opportunities, yet that's a perfect time to do them. As young ladies we don't have THAT many responsibilities, we have a lot of free time compared to our parents or the adults around us. This is the perfect time to be serving the Lord with our time and talents, here are five ideas to get you started.

     First and Foremost the most important ministry we can have is prayer. Prayer is SO important. God works through prayer, more abundantly than we can ever imagine! In our country today there is so much to pray about! Our youth, our government, our culture, our society as a whole needs Christ so badly. Not to mention outside of our country, the missionaries and persecuted Christians around the world who need prayer warriors here at home fighting, and interceding for them daily. This is a crucial ministry that you can partake in at any age. Voice of the Martyrs has an excellent site with specific prayer requests from our brothers and sisters in Christ in other parts of the world who are being persecuted for their faith. They also have a yearly prayer calendar which has prayer requests for each day of the year.

     Writing letters is one of my personal favorite ministries. There is such an avenue for outreach here! You can write to younger ladies and encourage them in their faith and disciple them, or you could write to older ladies and encourage them and befriend them.
      Our culture throws more and more filth at us each day, it's constantly getting harder to navigate through it all. These young ladies need friends who are older than them, and have been where they are to help guide them through it all. By befriending these young ladies we can make a big impact on them for Christ.
     Older ladies are often lonely and in need of a friend. Often times we know older ladies who aren't saved. While it will be futile to start preaching at them (and some may argue un-biblical) we can show them Christ just in the way we act and speak. Most times it's not the soapbox that's going to win them over, but a quiet and respectful spirit.
     Also, something I've found when writing letters, or in ministry in general. Oftentimes when you begin something as a ministry, it becomes a tremendous blessing in your life, this has happened to me several times and I thank God for it!

     We have a wonderful opportunity for ministry right in our own homes! This is something we often don't think about as ministry, where is the logic in that? If they weren't our little brothers and sisters we would count it as ministry to spend time with them, and disciple them. Why does it change because we have the same genes? They are always there, always looking up to you, and always wanting to spend time with you. This is one I struggle with quite a bit. For some reason it's some sort of mental block, like "well, they're just my brothers, it doesn't matter, right? WRONG!!!

Crocheting, Sewing, Handcrafts
     This is one that I think is a lot of fun! Not to mention it teaches you, or helps you grow, in a particular skill. While I am NOT good at sewing, I have been interested in the Little Dresses For Africa site. They give you directions to sew pillowcase dresses to send with missionaries. You can either send them with missionaries you know, or send them to the address they have on their site and they will send them to little girls in Africa.
     You can always crochet, knit, sew, or embroider something for someone in your church. Those little things that makes someone's day, and is a blessing to them. There are also several ministries that take knitted or crocheted donations. Do a google search, you'd be surprised!

Baked Goods, Meals

      You can bake cookies or make meals for people in your church and community. Think young mothers with a new baby, families with someone in the hospital, elderly couples who just don't have the energy anymore. It can be such a blessing to them just to know you care, let alone having a nice meal, or a batch of cookies!

This is by no means an extensive list, far from it! This just scratches the surface with a few things you can do to be serving Christ from where you are. The one thing I want you to remember is, whatever you do, Build and guard your relationship with Christ above all else. As girls it's easy enough to get caught up in the idea that our personal walk with Christ doesn't matter as much as the work we are doing, and that the only person it will affect is us. That is a lie! If we are not constantly communicating with Jesus, and being fed by His Word, every aspect of our lives will be affected. Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ all the "good" we do is futile. He is the vine and we are the branches, if we are not being nourished by his word we can never bear good fruit.


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