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5 Books to get you Motivated for Christ

Kisses From Katie       Kisses from Katie is a true story about a girl who decided to take a short term mission trip to Africa. She fell in love with the place and the people. She started by teaching a kindergarten class and ended up adopting a houseful of little girls. She also started Amazima . Through the book, you get to watch as an average American girl, barely out of high school learns to die to herself and live for Christ. Apart from the Bible itself, this is my personal favorite book! That's how it got to the top of the list. Revolution in World Missions      Through this autobiography you get to watch a boy from a poverty stricken family in India grow up to serve Christ and start Gospel for Asia , a ministry devoted to sending national missionaries to their own people. It's Definitely a challenging book! Also, this one happens to be free, so it's a good place to start! A Chance to Die       The story of Amy Carmichael, an amazing missionary who devoted he
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Why We Chose Courtship

A few years ago I read Joshua Harris' book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and saw the flaws in America's dating philosophy. The puppy-mill of relationship after relationship held no charm for me. Why would I want to waste the precious time God has given me on this earth on one boy after the other? No way, Jose! I decided that if Christ could conquer death, He could find my husband. He definitely didn't need my help! By God's grace he granted me a wonderful, godly young man without much waiting. Even after "The wait" we decided that courtship was a better way to go.     Purposefulness The first thing that differentiates courtship from dating is it's purposefulness. As opposed to dating, where it's generally seen as a temporary relationship just "for fun", the goal of courtship is getting to know someone for the purpose of marriage. In our relationship Matthew made it clear from the beginning that he intended to marry me. Courtshi

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Dollar Tree Doll Hats Free Crochet Pattern

     Hello! Sorry it's been so long since I've done a post. I have gotten so caught up in packing season!!! God has been providing for us and multiplying our efforts more than I could have imagined this year! I can't wait to tell you all about it! But, that's going to have to wait until after packing season.      If you're looking for a quick last minute craft to add to your boxes, I have a crochet pattern for you. This quick and easy baby doll hat will fit the $1 Tree baby dolls, and only takes about a half hour to make. Are you ready? Let's get started! $1 Tree Baby Doll Hat Pattern Row 1: ch 3 sc 7 in first ch, sl st. to join. Row 2: ch 2, 2 sc in each stitch around, join. Row 3: ch 2, 2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next repeat around, join. Row 4: ch 2, 2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next 2 stitches repeat around, join. Row 5: ch 2, 2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next 3 stitches repeat around, join. Row 6: ch 3, dc in each stitch around, join. Ro

September Operation Christmas Child Roundup

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Ministry Ideas for Young Ladies From Home

Before you can drive it's hard to find ministry opportunities, yet that's a perfect time to do them. As young ladies we don't have THAT many responsibilities, we have a lot of free time compared to our parents or the adults around us. This is the perfect time to be serving the Lord with our time and talents, here are five ideas to get you started. Prayer      First and Foremost the most important ministry we can have is prayer. Prayer is SO important. God works through prayer, more abundantly than we can ever imagine! In our country today there is so much to pray about! Our youth, our government, our culture, our society as a whole needs Christ so badly. Not to mention outside of our country, the missionaries and persecuted Christians around the world who need prayer warriors here at home fighting, and interceding for them daily. This is a crucial ministry that you can partake in at any age.  Voice of the Martyrs  has an excellent site with specific prayer requests fr

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